
    • Garden Vermiculite

      Vermiculite helps to aerate soil while simultaneously retaining water and nutrients, which it then releases over time. Vermiculite is therefore useful in seed sowing and propagation. It can also be added to house plant compost.

    • Perlite

      It excellent for creating a free-draining potting compost for plants that need good drainage, such as cacti and succulents. It can also help create an airy compost for seedlings.

    • Expanded Clay Balls

      “It provides all plants need to—grow, water and oxygen,” says Jefferson. The LECA materials allow it to absorb water directly to the roots without suffocating them. The baked clay balls soak up water and expand. The clay retains the water and releases it for the plant’s use a little at a time.

    • Neem Cake Powder

      Neem cake powder provides the plant with all the necessary nutrients and also helps control pest. Neem cake powder lasts longer and also retains water to keep the soil in good condition. It is a great natural fertilizer and is preferred by many farmers and gardeners because of its benefits.

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